Your URL field in the QR Code in not valid
If you are seeing this page, perhaps you have entered wrong data in your URL field of your Dynamic QR Code.
Make sure it starts with http:// or https:// or //
If it starts with just a single /, it means you have entered a reference to local file, not the file uploaded on internet server, and it would not work for users scanning over the internet.
What to do?
Edit your QR Code and put the right URL.
If you are trying to add a PDF or any other file then first upload it to server via File Manager (on or upload it on Dropbox or Google Drive and get the URL that starts with http:// or https:// and paste it in the URL field to generate the right QR Code.
If you still face problem feel free to contact us ?
Please DO NOT PRINT this QR Code if you keep seeing this page after the scan.
Have Fun!
Team QrCodeChimp