How to Advertise Using QR Codes on Labels?

Every product that we buy or sell comes with a label. Most often, buyers tend to throw away the label because it just provides basic information about the product. However, if you add QR Codes on labels of your products, you can create considerable excitement about your brand and engage customers for future purchases.
Create QR Code Explore Solutions

Every product that we buy or sell comes with a label. Most often, buyers tend to throw away the label because it just provides basic information about the product. However, if you add QR Codes on the labels of your products, you can create considerable excitement about your brand and engage customers for future purchases. 

Shapes QR Code Generator

Labels are part and parcel of any product. A QR Code on labels can benefit your brand in many ways, such as:

  • It allows you to direct your customers to your website or product page, advertising campaign, social media page, etc.

QR code on Label

  • You can get your customers involved in your brand voluntarily and extend brand loyalty.
  • QR codes can help create a positive emotion in customers about your brand if your product labels offer perks such as loyalty points, discounts, exciting offers, etc.

QR code on Label

  • You can connect with customers directly by linking the QR code on the label to a feedback form.
  • QR codes on labels can help customers measure the quality and originality of your product. 

QR code on Jeans Label

  • QR codes on labels can help you fight counterfeiting.

Labels with QR Codes can be a great way to initiate the mixing of inbound and outbound marketing in a unique way. QR Codes are fast, highly responsive, 2 dimensional, have large storage capacity, and definitely look appealing. Its mysteriousness can captivate customers far better than barcodes and plain text. 

While barcodes are one-dimensional and can be read only from left to right, 2D QR Codes can be read horizontally and vertically, allowing massive information to be stored, apart from alphanumeric digits. 

Digital information that you can store inside a label QR Code for brand advertising

  • Your advertising campaign  running anywhere on the web (both video and audio)
  • Your Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn pages or posts link
  • Website URL
  • A product page on eCommerce site
  • Mobile downloadable PDF files
  • Videos, images, gifs, and audio notes

QR code on gift Label

QR code on Label

The best part about QR Codes is that you can customize them by making them colorful, adding the company logo, and even simple graphics. Apart from this, QR Codes arrive with different error correction levels, meaning that even if much of your QR Code is damaged or hidden, it can still be scanned and read. 

You can add any unique idea to your QR Code on the label and make your brand stand out. QR Codes can be cost-effectively generated with the help of QRcodeChimp

Profitable ways you can use QR Codes on your labels

Try to be as clever and creative as possible because imagination with QR Codes definitely has no boundaries. However, make sure that each idea adds value to your customers’ experience. Make QR Codes a brand marketing tool and not just a piece of art.

Add after-purchase value

QR Codes on labels or product tags are a perfect tool for adding extra value to customers after a purchase, in the form of instant discount coupons, future promotional discounts, and any offer that can lure your customers into buying more from you.

QR code on oil bottle Label

Bring your customers closer to you

The best way to bring your customers closer to you is by welcoming them to your social world. Without developing a robust social media presence, no marketing or branding plan is complete. You can guide your audience to your social media pages, such as Instagram stories containing the behind-the-scenes videos of the making of the product, or a Facebook event page, or a Twitter handle. Connecting QR Codes and social media is a proven way to increase visits and likes and boost brand visibility. 

Build value by introducing loyalty programs

If you want to establish a brand with a loyal customer base, add your website link and make it easier for your customers to find more about you. A website can make a powerful brand statement and help you avoid the hard sell. You can also opt to add a link to a landing page or products and services pages. 

QR code on Label

Streamline information access

For some products, customers may require more information, such as electronics and electrical appliances, or you may like to add extra detail about your product, such as whether it is organic, the manufacturer’s details, etc. However, a small label cannot hold all the data without creating clutter. In such scenarios, you can keep the label simple by adding a QR Code linked to the required information. 

Offer more content

By giving more, you are invariably creating a brand authority. For instance, for a wedding outfit, providing additional information, such as the kind of embroidery applied, the fabric and color used, the best styling options for the outfit, returns and guarantees, and so forth, will enhance your brand image. If you are selling organic products, you can share information about the growers, the manufacturers, the vision and mission of your company, and videos of the production unit. 

QR code on clothing Label

You can also add lookbooks and cross-sell products in the form of PDF QR Codes

Tips for advertising QR Codes on labels

  • Generate label QR Codes using QRcodeChimp‘s QR code generator and customize them as per your brand needs. It is a pretty straightforward, time-saving, and affordable process.
  • A QR Code is worth only if there’s an incentive attached to it for the customers. Make sure you provide some kind of incentive.
  • Ensure that your QR Code is placed in an area that the customers can easily locate. It should be scannable as well. 
  • Test your QR Code before producing them in mass.
  • If this is your first attempt, do not try anything overly fancy, such as too much detailing or QR Codes placed in awkward positions.
  • If at all you are placing QR Code on a curved surface, make it small enough not to affect the scanning process. 
  • ADD CALL-TO-ACTION. This is a must with any QR Code you generate, whether it is for a label or a book. Don’t assume that all your customers know the purpose of QR Codes. In fact, assume that none of them knows what a QR code is. And so, add simple, readable instructions to guide people into scanning the code. 

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